For over 35 yrs Clint has been creating Music, Running Record Labels and Magazines. It all started in 1989 from Ringwood NJ with a Bass in a Band called A Split Second
clint@thedoorwayto.com ( Clint Listing )
label@thedoorwayto.com ( Label )
press@thedoorwayto.com ( Magazine )
theslumbering@thedoorwayto.com ( The Slumbering )
operationsuffocate@thedoorwayto.com ( Operation Suffocate)
Former Bands
Sulkweed, Grizzle, Long Winters Stare, Broken Hands for Brilliant Minds ,When Joy Becomes Saddness, Black Depths Grey Waves, Until the Sky Dies , Kadaver/ Listing , Rabbit Trail, Magni, Ronwe, Idiot Robot
Former Record Labels/Zines
Dragon Flight Recordings/ DFR Industries, DFCDR, Beauty & Pain Inc, Absolute Zero Media, Dead Games Records